Fried “Egg” Sandwich

I grew up vegetarian, but not total vegetarian (vegan), and I remember how good a fried egg sandwich was. When my mom was at work and my dad would microwave an egg in a square dish and make yummy sandwiches. It was a simple sandwich, but man, was it good! This actually tastes very similar, but I enjoy it more knowing that there is no cholesterol! 

1 brick tofu
1 Tbsp McKay’s Chicken Seasoning

Slice the tofu into thin rectangles and cook on a sprayed frying pan. Sprinkle McKay’s Chicken Seasoning over tofu, just giving it a nice dusting. It’s not necessary to season both sides of the tofu, but do lightly brown both sides. Serve in a healthy bread, with vegan mayonnaise, onions, tomato, lettuce, and whatever favorite sandwich stuffers you enjoy.

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